How Often to “Top Up” BBL Treatments?

by | Dec 21, 2018

Broad Band Light therapy, also known as BBL, similar to IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy, stimulates skin cells and promotes cell turnover, in addition to resolving pigmentation concerns. No wonder it is such a popular treatment at Austin Clinic. One consideration patients have when thinking about BBL facial rejuvenation is how often they will need to see us for a BBL touch-up.

BBL Repeats: What’s Right for Y-O-U?

BBL benefits aren’t everlasting, but there are no hard and fast rules as to the duration between treatments. “As in everything we do at Austin Clinic, we customise individual treatment plans to address the unique needs of each patient,” says Dr Austin. “Deciding factors include things such as how much time you spend in the sun, how much stress your skin is under, and how well your skin responds to treatments.”

As a general rule most Austin Clinic patients visit us in Balgowlah every 12-18 months for a top-up treatment. Here’s why they do…

Incontrovertible Evidence: Skin that Doesn’t Age?!

We don’t take chances at Austin Clinic. We strive to do what’s best for our patients. In 2015, the ten-year Bittford/Stanford study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology that explains the effects of using Sciton Broadband Light treatments very well.

A group of women aged 30 to 59 had three Sciton treatments the first year of the study. They then returned for top-ups once a year for ten years. What they found was amazing. Photos of the women from 2005 and 2015 were shown side-to-side to a panel of skin experts. The experts were unable to tell which photo was older.

“At Austin Clinic we are dedicated to excellence in the field of skin,” says Dr Austin with pride. “We’re thrilled to offer a safe, light-based based treatment backed by ground-breaking clinical evidence that shows anti-ageing results and reverses sun damage.”

Working Girls (and Boys) Love BBL

Broadband light treatments for facial rejuvenation are non-invasive and do not cause a great deal of discomfort. “Anaesthetic creams or injections are not required for this treatment,” says Dr Austin. A BBL session takes about half an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated. “People can come in during their lunch hour and get back to work,” says Dr Austin. “No downtime is required.”

Men and women alike can take advantage of BBL’s ability to rejuvenate:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands

Millennials: 4 Skin Stressors Right for BBL

Ageing isn’t the only culprit when it comes to depriving your skin of its glow. Fingers can also be pointed at:

  • UV rays
  • Harsh skin cleansers
  • Pollution
  • Genetics

“You can be as young as your 20’s when you start to notice unwelcome changes in your skin,” says Dr Austin. “If so, starting a course of BBL treatments can help you for years to come.”

BBL for First-Timers and Vets

Are you tired of being dissatisfied with uneven skin tone or blotchy appearance? Are you frustrated with the money you’ve spent on products that have hurt your skin, rather than helped it. We understand. We invite you to contact Austin Clinic to start a lifetime of beautiful skin.

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