Menopause Is No Time To Pause Skincare

by | Aug 3, 2018

If it’s been 12 months since your last menstrual cycle, you’re officially in menopause. Depending on your perspective, this may or may not be cause for celebration. Milestone or millstone around your neck, menopause represents a turning point in skin health. At Austin Clinic, we want you to understand more about this topic…

…and discover all the things we can do for you to help you look refreshed and youthful regardless of the age of your ovaries.

The Link between Menopause and Ageing Skin

There is a long list of unwelcome menopausal changes that are hard on your skin:

  • Reduced production and repair of collagen and elastin
  • Less robust blood flow
  • Loss of Melanin-producing cells

The culprit? “Blame your hormones,” says Dr Austin.

6 Facial Skin Problems Linked to Low Oestrogen

“Oestrogens stimulate the creation of fat deposits all over a woman’s body, including her face” explains Dr Austin. “Without supportive fat beneath facial skin, the skin loses its mobility.” This leads to:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Sagging skin

Reduced oestrogen levels decrease your skin’s water-holding ability, as well as its elasticity. During menopause, this leaves women more prone to:

  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Prematurely aged skin

Menopausal Skin Meets Its Match in NSW

At Austin Clinic, Dr Austin and our talented team of skin experts offer a wide range of non-invasive treatments that target many of the key issues associated with menopause:

Skin Cancer: Trust a Pro

Self-exams are important when it comes to preventing skin cancer, particularly for menopausal women whose risk for the disease is heightened. “It takes the trained eye of a professional, however, to spot skin irregularities that a patient might miss,” explains Dr Austin. “Early diagnosis is essential to treating the disease quickly, which increases the change of a positive treatment outcome.”

It often surprises patients to learn that in the event that cancer is detected, surgery may not be required. Following an exam and
consultation, Dr Austin may be able to recommend one of several non-invasive skin cancer treatment options:

  • Photodynamic Therapy – treat superficial skin cancers such as actinic keratosis and Basel cell carcinomas.
  • Cryotherapy – used to “freeze” certain cancerous skin lesions.
  • Topical Treatments – effective and cost-effective for superficial skin cancers.

Save Your Skin at Austin Clinic

Feeling/seeing the effects of menopause? We can change that! It’s never too late to refresh your skin. Whatever your age or skin complaint, our experts have the skill (and passion) to develop a one-of-a-kind treatment plan, customised to your needs. We’d love to see you at Austin Clinic. To ask us a question or schedule an appointment, please call us on 02 9948 1775.

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